Experience Exceptional Quality And Excellent Customer Service

Exceptional Quality Repairs

Excellent Customer Service

A vehicle is one of your most important investments. Repairing a vehicle to pre-loss condition properly is crucial for your vehicle to maintain a fair value.

Customers trust us to repair their vehicle to pre-loss condition because we are experts in cosmetic repair and refinishing as well as Paintless Dent Repair (PDR), structural repair and frame repair.  We offer a lifetime warranty if you maintain ownership of  the vehicle. Warranty is NOT transferable. 90% of our customers are repeat customers. We take pride in our exceptional quality repairs and excellent customer service.


1. Insurance Direct Repair Facilities

When you place a claim with your insurance company the first thing they will do, is give you a list of their direct repair facilities.  It is illegal in Colorado for the insurance company to force you to go to a particular shop.  You can choose any shop you want to repair your vehicle. They cannot NOT pay for the damages because you did not choose one of their direct repair facilities. This is a scare tactic.

Direct Repair Facilities are contracted with insurance companies for stability knowing they will have guaranteed work throughout the year. These shops must give discounts to the insurance company which can lead to short cuts during the repair process.

We are NOT a direct repair facility for any insurance company. We do accept all insurance companies EXCEPT Fred Loya. We work with all insurance companies to get your car repaired properly at a fair rate.

2. Insurance Warranties Repair

The insurance company does NOT warranty any of the repairs made to your vehicle. The repair shop is required to provide the warranty. There are also certain things that a shop can and cannot do or the manufacture warranty might be voided. We provide our customer with a lifetime warranty on our cosmetic repair and refinishing labor and materials. Parts are warranted by the manufacture.

3. Denying charges

Sometimes an insurance company will tell you that they are NOT going to pay for certain items requested from our shop. Insurance companies are required to provide the customer and repair shop a denial letter for any specific charges they do not want to pay for. They also must prove in that letter exactly where in your policy it states certain charges are not covered. One of the biggest push backs from insurance companies are Diagnostic Scans.

Why are Diagnostic Scans so important?

Many of the OEM Manufactures (Original Equipment Manufacturer) have put out statements for repair facilities requiring us to scan a vehicle before and after a repair to make sure all systems are functioning correctly. This is to protect the consumer and the manufacture. There are so many electrical systems, sensors, and computers in your vehicle that when one malfunctions a light will not appear on your dash. Our SNAP-On Verus Edge scanner scans every electrical system, sensor, computer module for malfunctions. Most of the codes simply need to be reset because the sensor/computer module was replaced, or the battery was disconnected to repair the vehicle.

Scanning a vehicle before and after the repair process allows us to compare the reports to determine which codes are accident related and which ones should have been taken care of before by the customer or manufacture. If the codes do not clear after re-setting them then we know there is a faulty sensor, wire or OEM calibrations are required for the computer systems to work properly.